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ThermPulse™ for Elbow Pain

ThermPulse™ for Elbow Pain

Regular price $39.99 USD
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 Stop Letting Elbow Pain Hold You Back!

We know the feeling - that constant ache or throb in your elbow from repetitive motions, lifting heavy objects, or even a simple bump. Elbow pain disrupts your daily activities, making tasks like reaching for objects, typing, or playing sports uncomfortable. 

But there's hope! Experience targeted elbow pain relief. Our ThermPulse™ delivers deep muscle stimulation to help alleviate discomfort.

How Does the ThermPulse™ Fix Your Pain?

1. Soothing Heat Therapy for Targeted Pain Relief:

"Local heat therapy provided significant pain relief for patients with chronic lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow)" - The Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 

The gentle and targeted heat therapy provided by ThermPulse™ helps relax tense muscles, improve blood flow, and reduce inflammation in the affected area. This can significantly reduce pain and stiffness, allowing you to move your elbow more comfortably. 

2. Promotes Healing and Tissue Repair:

"Heat therapy increased blood flow to the treated area, promoting tissue healing..." - The Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

EMS therapy can increase blood flow to the targeted area, promoting healing and reducing inflammation that contributes to back pain. This improved circulation delivers essential nutrients for repair while flushing out inflammatory byproducts. 

The increased blood flow facilitated by ThermPulse™ delivers essential nutrients like oxygen and white blood cells to the affected area in your elbow. This promotes faster healing and repair of damaged tissues, ultimately leading to a quicker recovery. 

3. Improves Elbow Flexibility and Range of Motion:

"Heat therapy combined with stretching exercises significantly improved elbow flexion and extension..." - British Journal of Sports Medicine


The warmth from the ThermPulse™ helps loosen tight muscles and connective tissues around your elbow joint, making it easier to move your arm through its full range of motion. This improved flexibility allows you to perform daily tasks like reaching, lifting, and pushing with greater ease and comfort. 

4. Enhances Body Awareness and Reduces Muscle Tightness:

"Local heat therapy improved proprioception (body awareness) in the elbow joint, leading to better muscle control and reduced spasticity..." - The Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports

Elbow pain can often disrupt the communication between your muscles and your brain, leading to decreased awareness of your elbow's position (proprioception) and involuntary muscle contractions (spasticity). ThermPulse™ targeted warmth helps increase blood flow to sensory receptors in your elbow joint. This enhanced blood flow improves proprioception, allowing your brain to receive clearer signals about your elbow's position. 


5.  Proven Technology for Long-Term Pain Management:

The ThermPulse™ delivers doctor-trusted technology you can use at home, promoting long-term healing and pain relief. Order yours today and experience the comfort and mobility you deserve.

Don't wait – take control of your elbow pain today and experience the life-changing relief the ThermPulse™ can offer. Order yours now!

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How Does It Work?

Stop the Pain at the Source

  • Your muscles contract and relax during a quick 20-25 minute session.

  • Sensory and motor nerves are stimulated by clinically studied Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES)

  • Damaged tissue heals, inflammation is reduced, and your spinal stabilizing muscles are strengthened

  • Pain is diminished in as little as 2-12 weeks. Maintenance mode will continue to provide relief.

Clinically Supported Solutions:

Case Study 1 Clinical Results:

NMES Therapy Shows Promise for Back Pain

"Analysis of results revealed clinically and statistically significant improvements in indicators of both muscle groups' performance, as evidenced by ultrasound evaluation of activation during voluntary activity. These improvements were associated with significant improvements in self reported pain levels, suggesting that NMES has an important role to play in Chronic Lower Back Pain rehabilitation."

Coghlan, S., Crowe, L., McCarthypersson, U., Minogue, C., & Caulfield, B. (2011). Retrieved from

Case Study 2 Clinical Results:

NMES Effective in LDK Patients

"In conclusion, lumbar stabilizing muscles of patients with Lumbar Degenerative Kyphosis were significantly activated by NMES. Protocol A+B maximally stimulated all the studied deep spinal stabilizing muscles (LM, TrA and OI) as evidenced by RUSI. The protocol A+B may aid the development of practical NMES systems for LDK patients who suffer from postural deformity and Lower Back Pain"

Kim, S. Y., Kim, J. H., Jung, G. S., Baek, S. O., Jones, R., & Ahn, S. H. (2016, February. Retrieved from

Case Study 3 Clinical Results:

Medical Tech Improves Recovery in Patients

"The difference was statistically significant (p<0.05), indicating that the electrical stimulation therapy can effectively reduce the pain degree of patients with lumbar disc herniation-induced sciatica and improve the peripheral ROS level, thus promoting the recovery of patients."

Hicks, G. E., Sions, J. M., Velasco, T. O., & Manal, T. J. (2016, October). Retrieved from



How does your 30 day at-home trial work?

At LLUCCI, our pride is not only in our products, but in the results and progress our customers achieve. We know the our device works and we are so confident in its effectiveness that we provide a 30-day at-home trial. If for any reason your device does not provide you with the level of relief from chronic pain that you were expecting, you may return it for a refund at any time within 30 days of delivery.

Does LLUCCI accept FSA or HSA?

Yes, you can use your HSA (Health Savings Account) or an FSA (Flexible Spending Account) debit card like you would any other credit card. The device is eligible for use with either account. Electrotherapy Pain Relief Device reimbursement is not eligible with a limited-purpose flexible spending account (LPFSA) or a dependent care flexible spending account (DCFSA).

Can I use insurance to pay for LLUCCI?

Depending on your plan, you may be reimbursed directly from your insurance company after purchasing your back pain device. We don’t accept direct payment from insurance companies, but we provide a proof of purchase itemized receipt via email and will help you in the reimbursement process.

Insurance coverage varies depending on the insurance company, the plan, and condition being treated. For example, Medicare's coverage states the following: "All uses of NMES other than for the treatment of disuse atrophy in neurologically intact patients and for walking in SCI patients remain non-covered."

Will it work for my pain?

Back and leg pain is complex. However, Our back pain relief machine is unique as it works for the majority of people because it improves musculoskeletal function and health. The device reduces pain by healing damaged tissues, lowering inflammation, and strengthening spinal stabilizing muscles. Remember you can try it with our 30-Day Home Trial Program.

Who should not use NeuroMD?

  • Do not use this device if you have a cardiac pacemaker, implanted defibrillator, or other implanted electronic device, or are connected to high frequency surgical equipment.
  • Do not use this device over your eyes, mouth, face, front of neck, head, chest , or
    across your heart because this could cause severe muscle spasms resulting in difficulty in breathing and other adverse effects.
  • Consult with your physician before using this device if you are in the care of a physician.
  • Stop using this device and consult your physician if your pain does not improve, becomes more than mild, or continues for more than five days.
  • Do not use this device while driving, operating machinery, or during any activity in which electrical stimulation can put you at risk of injury.
  • Do not use this device over open wounds or rashes, or over swollen, red, infected, or inflamed areas or skin eruptions (e.g., phlebitis, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins).
  • Do not use this device over metallic implants or in proximity to, cancerous lesions.
  • Do not use this device on children.
  • Do not use this device in the presence of electronic monitoring equipment (e.g., cardiac monitors, ecg alarms), which may not operate properly when the electrical stimulation
    device is in use.
  • Do not use this device when in the bath, shower or other sources of moisture.
  • Do not use this device while sleeping.
  • Do not use this device on abnormal skin, or skin that is not clean & healthy.
  • Do not operate in close proximity (e.g. 1 m) to shortwave or microwave therapy equipment as it may produce instability in the device output.
  • Do not use this device if you are susceptible to rhythm disturbances to the heart unless under direction of your physician.
  • Do not use this device if you are pregnant, or suspect that you are pregnant, unless
    under the direction of your physician.
  • If you have suspected or diagnosed heart disease, you should follow precautions
    recommended by your physician.
  • If you have suspected or diagnosed epilepsy, you should follow precautions recommended by your physician.
  • Use this device with caution if you have a tendency to bleed internally, such as following an injury or fracture.
  • Consult with your physician prior to using this device after a recent surgical procedure, because stimulation accelerates the healing process.

Can I use the device on other areas of my body?

The device can be used on other areas; however, we do not recommend use on the front of the neck, across the chest, or on the head.
The device will improve musculoskeletal health and function on the area it is applied. For example, if you're having muscle spasms in your mid back, you would apply the device in that area.

In order to obtain the best degree of pain relief, we recommend the following pad placement guidelines:

1. Take note of exactly where your pain is located. Outline the most concise and tender area of the pain.
2. The pad can be placed in one of three directions 1. vertical 2. horizontal 3. angulated.
3. It is advisable not to place the pad directly over a joint such as the knee, elbow or ankle as its movement can alter the adherence of the pad.
4. Increase intensity gradually as each body part will tolerate a different level of intensity
Note: Pad placement as well as intensity level tolerance varies from person to person. We recommend following our guidelines and doing what feels best for you.

What People Are Saying:

  • "Wow, I Never Thought I'd Ditch the Pain Meds!" - Maya, 38

    As an office worker with years hunched over a computer, constant back pain was my nemesis. Painkillers offered relief, but the side effects were a drag. No more meds, better sleep, and a pain-free life – this is a game-changer!

  • "This is a Miracle Device!" - Tom, 65

    I suffered from a chronic pain for multiple decades. I was ready to give up and go back to a neurosurgeon or orthopedist and ask them to PLEASE DO SOMETHING, ANYTHING, to take away the pain. I ordered this device and honestly YOU WILL BE AMAZED AT THE RESULTS!!!!

  • "Doctors Should Prescribe This! - Chloe, 48

    This device is a life saver! I put this device on, and its like flipping a switch! I am able to go and do things I haven't done in such a long time! I am forever grateful for this product. I am singing this devices praises to the four winds! Thank you so very much!!